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University of Eldoret
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Influence of Job Opportunities on Course Choice in Vocational Training Centres in Taita Taveta County, Kenya
(Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2025-01)Job prospects and labor market conditions significantly influence choice of vocational course. Family enterprises, socioeconomic factors, and career counselling can influence trainees' choices. Guidance and information ... -
Evaluating Teaching Practice in Kenya: Successes and Failures
(East African Journal of Education Studies, 2024)Although there have been significant reforms, Kenya's education system still faces many obstacles. Inadequate funding, an ongoing teacher shortage, and opposition to educational reform are substantial problems that impede ... -
Influence of Socio-Cultural Factors on Female Trainees' Enrollment in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technician Courses in Bomet County, Kenya
(International Journal of Education, Science and Social Sciences, 2024-10)In Kenya, technical fields are key for achieving the Vision 2030 which aims to transform Kenya into a middle-income country by promoting industrialization, technological innovation, and a skilled labor force. However, ... -
(EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 2024-10)School infrastructure is a key pillar for effective learning process in any educational institution. The purpose of this study was to utilization of classroom environment affect academic performance in Sub County level ... -
Influence of Teacher Professional Knowledge and Application on Pupils Academic Performance in Public Primary Schools in Suna East Sub-County Migori County, Kenya
(Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2020)Poor academic performance of most public primary schools in Suna East Sub-County is a serious challenge in Migori County. Out of five zones in the sub-county, there was low learning outcome in the assessment score with a ... -
Inclusive Peer Communication Coping Methods for Promoting Free Peer-To-Peer Counseling in Selected Universities in Kenya
(East African Scholars Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, 2024-09)The mental health of university students in Kenya is a pressing concern, with a rising prevalence of stress, anxiety, depression, and other psychological challenges impacting their academic performance, personal development, ... -
The Influence of Students’ Emotions on the Acquisition of English-SpeakingSkills Among Secondary School Students in Homa Bay County, Kenya
(Journal of Research in Education and Technology, 2024-10)Language learning is a part of the psychological process because it is based on learner’s individual difference. Speaking skills allow individuals to speak comfortably to each other. It provides us with the ability to ... -
The Effects of Sheng’ Vocabulary Usage in the Learning of Kiswahili Grammar in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya
(Journal of Education and Practice, 2024-08)Purpose: Sheng’ is a linguistic code based primarily on the Kiswahili structure and grammar with the lexicon drawn from Kiswahili, English and the various ethnic languages of Kenya; that are mostly spoken in towns and ... -
Effectiveness of Psychosocial Intervention to School Refusal Behavior among Pupils in Public Primary Schools in Keiyo North Sub-County, Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
(African Journal of Education Science and Technology (AJEST), 2024-10)Despite the many efforts by parents, teachers, and counselors to curb school refusal behavior, there is much evidence that the problem has persisted from times immemorial. The objective of the study was to determine ... -
Psychosocial Intervention Strategies for Stress Management among Student Mothers in Kenyan Public Secondary Schools in Kimilili Sub-County, Bungoma County, Kenya
(African Journal of Education Science and Technology (AJEST, 2024-10)Teenage pregnancy is a significant international concern, with the lack of family support affecting the emotional well-being of pregnant teenagers and their babies, thus reducing the likelihood of student mothers returning ... -
Effects of the Relevance of Workshop Facilities to Syllabi on the Utilization of Workshop Facilities in Teaching in Public TVET Institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya.
(African Journal of Education Science and Technology (AJEST, 2024-10)One of the objectives of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is to impart adequate and appropriate skills to trainees, consistent with the emerging technologies at all levels of the economy. However, ... -
Prevalenceof Suicide Ideation among University Students: A Case of Nyanza Region, Kenya
(African Journal of Education Science and Technology (AJEST), 2024-10)Cases of completed suicide have been on the rise among university students in recent past. The study focused on the prevalence of suicide ideation among university students in Nyanza region with an aim of preventing ... -
Challenges Faced in the Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Junior Schools in Kenya
(East African Journal of Education Studies, 2024)This study explores the challenges encountered in implementing the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in junior schools in Kenya, which aims to shift educational focus from rote memorization to the development of ... -
Effect of E-Learning Integration in the Teaching of Practicals on Performance in Biology in Likuyani Sub-County, Kenya
(International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, 2024)This study aims to investigate the effects of integrating e-learning into the teaching of practical Biology lessons on performance in secondary schools in Likuyani Sub-County, Kakamega County, Kenya. The research employed ... -
Influence of trainees’ personalityon Course Choice inVocational Training Centres inTaitaTaveta County, Kenya
(International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 2023)Students with strong social skills and personality are more likely to study in social sciences. TaitaTaveta County, Kenya, has 29 vocational training centers offering diverse courses. The effects of personality on course ... -
Influence of Gender on Course Choice in Vocational Training Centres in Taita Taveta County, Kenya
(Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership, 2023)Choice of course is a leading challenge in most Vocational and Technical Training Institutions globally. Studies have noted gender challenges as a determinant factor towards effective course choice, an aspect that the ... -
(University of Eldoret, 2024-07)Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is multiplicity of dysfunctional behaviours exhibited by students who are not conforming to the societal norms, morals and code of ethics. The purpose of this study was to determine the ... -
(University of Eldoret, 2023-10)The current world of work is very dynamic and needs a workforce that is well suited to help accommodate the changes at the workplace. In the recent past, trainers who pursued degree programmes in technology education have ... -
Causes of Oppositional Defiant Disorders among the secondary School Students in Turkana West Sub County
(African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2023-04)Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is multiplicity of dysfunctional behaviours exhibited by students who are not conforming to the societal norms, morals and code of ethics. Oppositional Defiant Disorders among secondary ... -
Teacher Attitude towards the Implementation of Programme of Pastoral Instruction.
(Human Resource Management Academic Research Society, 2021-03)Programme of Pastoral Instruction (PPI) is perceived as an easy subject needing little teaching because it is a mere extension of church services and the Bible. This leads to a negative attitude towards the subject. The ...