Journal Articles
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Impacts of anthropogenic habitat modification on mammalian diversity in the Mau Forest Complex, Kenya
(Global Ecology and Conservation, 2020-07)Habitat destruction is a major driver of biodiversity loss, especially in the tropics. We investigated changes in the diversity and occupancy of forest-dwelling mammals in response to habitat loss, alteration, and ... -
Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for Osyris lanceolata Hochst. & Steud., an endangered African sandalwood tree species
(Tropical Plant Research, 2016)Osyris lanceolata Hochst. & Steud. is a multipurpose tree species widely spread in many of the sub-Saharan countries ranging from Algeria to Ethiopia all the way to South Africa. In Kenya, the species is endemic to the Arid ... -
Impacts of Invasive Species on Commercial Forest Plantations in Africa- A Review
(Journal of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems, 2023-07)Planting forests with non-native or exotic species are increasing worldwide as the demand for forest product, ecosystems and environmental benefits continue to grow. Characteristic life-history traits such as simple ... -
Deconstructing innovation in the wood furniture industry in Kenya
(Journal of Forest Business Research, 2023-07)Innovation is often considered to be a critical component of enterprise competitive advantage. Continuous innovation is necessary to allow firms to better meet consumer needs, stay ahead of the competition, capitalize on ... -
(University of Eldoret, 2015)Eco-tourism performance with socio-economic impact by local community in peri-urban Protected areas (PAs) presents policy challenges on management and administration. Presently PAs are affected by demographic pressure ... -
Environmental Conditions and the Growth Patterns of Acacia melanoxylon in Highland Humid Forests in North Tinderet Forest Block (Kenya)
(University of Eldoret, 2023-04)Acacia species represent one of the most important alien invasive species in many forest ecosystems. The number of quantitative studies exploring their response to environmental heterogeneity is few, especially in tropical, ... -
Ecological Impacts and Management Strategies of Acacia melanoxylon Specis in the African Ecosystems
(Africa Environmental Review, 2022)Alien invasive plants can alter ecosystem services, reducing biodiversity and having negative social and economic consequences. The leguminous Acacia melanoxylon is one of the most problematic acacia tree species native ... -
Phenotypic Variation of Four Populations of Osyris lanceolata Hochst. & Steud. (African Sandalwood) in Kenya
(Africa Environmental Review, 2022)African sandalwood (Osyris lanceolata) is a dioecious and semi-parasitic tree at risk of extinction due to overexploitation for its essential oil, a product used in the perfumery and pharmaceutical industries. This study ... -
Effect of Education on ICS Adoption Level
(University of Eldoret, 2021-04)Abstract: The study investigated the influence of education levels on adoption of improved cook stoves (ICS) in Kakamega, Kisumu and Uasin Gishu counties. Sampling in stages was applied to categorize the population into ... -
Impact of Pteridium aquilinum on vegetation in Nyungwe Forest, Rwanda
(Heliyon, 2020)Pteridium aquilinum acts as an important ecological filters in dominated communities. A study to investigate the effects of its dominance in the vegetation of Nyungwe was conducted. Sampling was done in Mubuga and Uwajerome ... -
Kenya’s Water Towers; A Scenario Scrutiny of Njoro Sub Catchment, Eastern Mau Towers
(International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research (IJSTER), 2018)The continent of Africa is endowed with natural capital and its sustainable development is dependent on the capacity to efficiently and sustainably manage the natural resources especially water, land and forests for ... -
Determinants of Rural Households’ Decision Making to Forgo Income for Bequeathed Woodlot in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
(frica Journal of Technical & Vocational Education & Training, 2020)Forests are an important economic good in providing dependable products by rural households such as fuel wood, food supply, natural insurance and as habitat for pollinators; however, unchecked household characteristics ... -
Benefits Flow and Utilization of Kipkunur Forest Products by Upstream and Downstream Users, Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
(2019)Utilization of forests resources among economic units has remained partially noticed, yet, communities living adjacent to the forests and beyond are dependent directly or indirectly for their livelihood. Unaccounted ... -
Chronic Toxicity of Detoxified Kraft Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater using Photocatalytic with Cu-TiO2 Foils/Sunlight on Xenopus levies (daudin) Tadpoles
(AER Journal, 2019)Wastewater from pulp and paper mills contain refractory toxic substances with deleterious effects to aquatic organisms when discharged before proper treatment. Most of the effluent treatment technologies used by the ... -
Effects of Varying Storage Conditions on the Vigour of Fresh Seeds of Ekebergia capensis
(AER Journal, 2019)Ekebergia capensis is a popular indigenous tree valued for its medicinal uses. However, it is an endangered tree species because of overexploitation and its slow regeneration rate in nature. Production of this tree is ... -
Efficient protocol of complete inventory for tree regeneration and recruitment studies over one hectare in selected tropical natural forests, Kenya
(TROPICAL PLANT RESEARCH, 2019)This study sought to establish an efficient inventory protocol to estimate regeneration stock and dynamics in natural forests. Field and computer outputs were integrated to develop complete inventory protocol for ... -
Influence of Distance in Forest Utilization and Its Interaction with Neighbouring Communities of South West Mau, Kenya, Konoin Sub-County
(African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2020)Intensity of use of forest and interaction of neighbouring communities with the forest is not uniform. This study looked at how individual’s distance from forest edge influences their access to forest resources and ... -
Properties of potential wood carving species in Kenya
(Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research, 2019)This study compared the wood properties of five species as potential wood carving materials with those of five commonly used species. Five small logs each of potential and conventional wood carving species were randomly ... -
Growth and Yield Models for Plantation-Grown Cupressus lusitanicafor Central Kenya
(African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2019)The demand for timber in Kenya is increasing. However, forest managers do not have an effective tool for estimating the growth and yield of the resource against the demand to enable sustainable management. ... -
(Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, 2019)Wastewater from pulp and paper mills entails diversity of recalcitrant pollutants and toxins, which compels search for cost effective and efficient treatment technologies. This study evaluated the efficiency of treating a ...