Field Screening of Elite Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Mutant Lines for their Response to Mosaic and Brown Streak Viruses

Kimno, Lydia Chepkoech ; et. al... (2023)

Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) and Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) have been major limiting biotic factors to the productivity of cassava farming in Kenya. Development of resistant cassava varieties is most effective way. The study was to determine response of elite cassava lines to CBSD and CMD under field conditions on different agro-ecological zones in Kenya. Screening was done under hot-spot field conditions where five lines together with their parents were evaluated in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications at University of Eldoret (UoE), Solai and Marakwet sites in Kenya. Severity assessment done on 1-5 rating scale where 1 very resistant and 5 most susceptible. Elite cassava lines had significant differences in their response (p < 0.05) to CBSD and CMD. Additionally, genotypes, site and time interval were also significant (p < 0.05). The three elite lines (CAS1, CAS2 and CAS3) had better tolerance to both diseases compared to their parents (KME3 and KME4) with KME4 showing visible brown rings on the root typical of CBSD The elite lines CAS1, CAS2 and CAS3 identified to have better adaptability to both CBSD and CMD could be further exploited in breeding for new cassava varieties for Kenya and other countries in the region with similar ecology

Journal of Experimental Agriculture International



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