Journal Articles
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Manifestation and Management of Cultural Heritage: An Analysis of the Old Towns of Kenyan Coastal Region
(Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, 2024-10)The study examined the current manifestation of intangible and tangible cultural heritage of old towns of Lamu and Mombasa in the coastal region of Kenya, with a view of evaluating management efforts by heritage managers ... -
ExaminingLand Use ChangesAround Marura Wetlands of Uasin Gishu County from 1985to 2015
(Journal of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems, 2024-10)Wetlands are invaluablenatural resources that provide essential benefits like water filtration, flood controland habitats for biodiversityhowever,they are increasingly threatened by human activities.The ... -
Urbanization and its effects on environmental resources: a review of key issues
(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2016)Urbanization is the rapid development and transformation of a region, including increase in the size, population and human activities at a given period of time. The major problem of rapid urban growth is the changing land ... -
Socio-Economic and Environmental Outcomes of Street Food Vending and its Sustainability in Selected Urban Areas of Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2024)Street food (SF) vending is a common livelihood activity in many urban areas globally. It is driven by a lack of employment opportunities in the formal sector and by the demand for cheap ready-to-eat food by urban ... -
Effects of management strategies on the performance of street food vending in urban areas of Western Kenya
(World Journal of Advanced Research and Review, 2024)Street food (SF) vending is a common livelihood activity in many urban areas globally. It generates income for the vendors and contributes to the urban economy. However, the trade performs poorly due to the strategies ... -
(ResearchGate, 2022-06)Land use land cover changes (LULC) are known to cause land degradation in various forms including soil erosion. The Elgeyo Escarpment is within the Kenya’s Rift Valley, a mountainous section with rugged terrain and receives ... -
(ResearchGate, 2022)The Elgeyo Escarpment has undergone land use and land cover (LULC) changes over the last five decades. However, past LULC change assessments focused on forests and river basins and little on LULC changes and their drivers ... -
(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation, 2023-06)Wetland ecosystems have rich biodiversity ranging from various communities of flora and fauna to particular species. They provide numerous goods and services to the riparian communities. This is through their socio-cultural, ... -
Rural Water Supply in the Era of Climate Change in Kenya; the Case of Kapseret Sub County, Uasin Gishu County
(University of Eldoret, 2023-04)There is a perception that water supply in Uasin Gishu County is reliable due to the medium to high annual rainfall amounts received in the region. However, this is not the case as rainfall is not evenly distributed ... -
Citizen Perception of Green Spaces Prioritization in Urban Kenya: The Case of Kisumu City and Eldoret Municipality
(Africa Environmental Review, 2022)Kenyaiscurrentlyexperiencing rapidrateofurbanizationwhichisconsideredasoneofthehighestintheregion,withover30%ofitspopulationlivinginurbanareas.Itisprojectedthatby2050Kenyawillbepredominantlyanurbannationashalfofitspopula ... -
Making Kenyan Urban Transportation System Smart: The Case of Eldoret Municipality
(Africa Environmental Review, 2022)Transportation systems are the fundamental to the economic prosperity of any nation. Nonetheless, transportation itself more so the use of automobiles has unintended negative environmental impacts that threaten the very ... -
Evaluation of Management Practices for Sustainability of Water Resources in Arror River Watershed, Kenya
(Africa Environmental Review, 2022)Water is an indispensable natural resource that is critical for sustaining life and ensuring healthy ecosystems. Since it is dynamic in nature with an ever-increasing demand, its sustainable userequires ... -
Analysis of Selected Factors Supporting Urban Sprawl Patterns Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Model: A Case Study of Areas Surrounding Eldoret Town, Kenya
(African Journal of Business Ethics, 2022-11)Eldoret town is currently experiencing rapid urban growth in all directions exerting great pressure on biophysical and socio-economic environments. This is evidenced by fertile agricultural land being converted into patches ... -
Pollution Risk Assessment of Groundwater at Kamkuywa Market Center, Bungoma Using Geospatial Technology
(Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 2021-07)Background: Pathogenic contamination of groundwater, due to poor sanitation, has continuously posed a significant health risk to human health. Kamkuywa market center, a peri-urban settlement, relies heavily on shallow wells ... -
Comparative Quantification of Urban Physical Expansion’s Contribution to Green Spaces Change in Kisumu and Eldoret Towns of Kenya
(African Environmental Review Journal, 2022-06)Despite their importance, urban green spaces are under severe threat and urbanization has been shown to be the main driver. Unfortunately, not much is known about how urbanization has played a role in the decline and more ... -
Utilization and Management of Wetland Resources of Kingwal Wetland by the Riparian Community.
(Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT), 2020-11)The uncontrolled utilization of wetland resources continues to impact negatively on wetland natural resource including plant and animal resources species composition, abundance, diversity and consequently on the ecological ... -
Assessment of water demand dynamics in Arror watershed in Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
(Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2019)Water scarcity is a serious problem worldwide, which heightens the need to understand watershed dynamics and their impact on water quantity. The study examined water demand using the WEAP (Water Evaluation and Planning) ... -
Assessing the Social, Cultural, Economic and Environmental Conditions of Nambale Town in Busia County, Kenya
(2019)The preparation of an Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) for an urban center requires a grasp of the situation in terms of issues and challenges facing the residents of that particular urban center. The strengths, ... -
Role of GIS as a Toolfor Environmental Planning and Management
(International Journal of Research in Environmental Science(IJRES), 2019)A Geographic Information System is a computer based system for handling spatially referenced data and information. Its versatility has made it to find applications in a number of disciplines. ... -
Assessing the social , cultural, Economic and environmental conditions of Nambale Town in Busia County
(Kenya.Urban and Regional Planning, 2019)The preparation of an Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) for an urban center requires a grasp of the situation in terms of issues and challenges facing the residents of that particular urban ...