Parcourir Journal Articles par titre
Voici les éléments 1-6 de 6
Effect of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on Land Degradation in Upper Turkwel Watershed
(AER Journal, 2020)Land use and Land Cover changes continue in Turkwel watershed owing to climate changes and anthropogenic activities and has led to land degradation. Due to the increasing population in watersheds and growing unplanned ... -
Effect of Ploughing Techniques on Water Use and Yield of Rice in Maugo Small-Holder Irrigation Scheme, Kenya
(Journal of AgriEngineering, 2021-03)The objective of this study was to determine the effect of paddy rice ploughing techniques on water use and the yield of rice crop, as well as water use efficiency for rice growing in small-holder irrigation schemes. The ... -
Effect of Tillage Techniques on Depth, Furrow Slice and Water Retention in Maugo Smallholder Rice Scheme in Kenya
(Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2021)This study was conducted with the aim of determining the influence of tillage techniques on depth, furrow slice and water retention in Maugo Smallholder Rice Scheme in Kenya. Treatments were arranged in randomized ... -
Effects of Infiltration Trenches and Bio-Retention Ponds on Stormwater Runoff in Eldoret Town
(International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2020)The overall objective of the research was to evaluate the influence of low impact developments (LIDs) on the generated runoff in Eldoret town, Kenya. The specific LIDs investigated were the infiltration trenches and ... -
Estimation of Soil Erosion as a Function of Land Use and Rainfall Using rMMF Model on Amukura Hills, Busia County
(African Environmental Review Journal, 2022-06)Soil erosion by water is considered as the most critical problem on cultivated steeply sloping lands in Kenya. On the Amukura hills in Busia County, Kenya, there have been increased farming activities and indiscriminate ... -
Sediments Yields in Saimo Catchment of Tugen Hills in Baringo County, Kenya
(African Environmental Review Journal, 2022-06)Soil erosion by water is one of the primary causes of land degradation and occurs throughout the world. Soil erosion contributes negatively to the already declining agricultural productivity thereby negatively impacting ...