Parametric Point Estimation of the Geeta Distribution
ArticleGeeta distribution is a new discrete random variable distribution defined over all the positive integers with two parameters. This distribution belongs to the family of Location-parameter (LDPD) system and is of the form L – shaped model. Pareto and Yule distributions belong to the same family but these distributions have a disadvantage of having a single parameter which makes them not versatile to meet the needs of modern complex data sets. Geeta distribution is found to be very versatile and flexible to fit observed count data sets and can be used efficiently to model different types of sets. This paper investigates the characteristics of Geeta distribution, such as the existence of the mean, variance, moment generating function, probability generating function and that the sum of probabilities for all values of X for Geeta Distribution model is unity. It is well known that the sample mean is the estimator of a population mean from a given population of interest as a point estimator which assume a single number that is obtained by taking a random sample of a specified size from the entire population, depending on whether the population mean and variance is known or unknown These point estimators were obtained by employing the method of Moments, Maximum Likelihood (MLE) and Bayesian estimator. Further the estimators were subjected to the conditions like unbiasedness, efficiency, sufficiency and completeness which are properties of a good estimator. For the first aspect, the results of the mean, variance, moments and generating functions were achieved that proves the distribution is a probability density function (pdf). The methods of moments and the maximum likelihood and their properties were applied and yielded the desired and expected results for any given probability distribution. The best estimator obtained is best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE).
- Journal Articles [30]
- Name:
- Betty Korir. parametric ....pdf
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