Inhibiting Aspects of ICT Infrastructure in Kenyan Technical Institutions for Teaching Electrical Engineering
ArticleInformation Communication Technologies have been incorporated in many sectors of the economy globally in the last two decades. In education, Governments around the world are investing large amounts of capital to achieve sustainable development through science, Technology and innovation. The use of ICT’s as an addition to existing traditional methods of teaching is one of the evolutions that is transforming the education sector. This study investigated existing ICT infrastructure in the Kenyan Technical institutions so as to establish as to what extend they contribute to low integration of ICT’s in teaching Electrical Engineering courses. The study achieved this by investigating the availability and use of computer systems and ICT equipment, influence of Supportive ICT infrastructure, Classroom internet connectivity and Conventional teaching by blackboards. The study adopted a descriptive survey study design. The study targeted Heads of departments and Trainers of Electrical Engineering in TVET institutions in Nairobi County. Data was collected using questionnaires; quantitative techniques were employed in data analysis. To a limited extend, the study established Mat Lab, presentation slides, CAD software; Smart boards, Desktop and Laptop computers among other ICT infrastructure are available for teaching Electrical Engineering in TVET institutions. Private institutions recorded higher level of ICT usage than public institutions. The study concluded that, computer systems and ICT support infrastructure as key determinants for successful ICT integration in Teaching Electrical Engineering courses. The findings of this study are essential to the government and stakeholders in TVET education and training towards the achievement of sustainable skills training that embrace technology and innovation.
- Journal Articles [24]
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