ArticleApart from instructional materials and infrastructure, self-motivation is an important factor that can impact student performance. While instructional materials and infrastructure are essential components of a conducive learning environment, they are not sufficient in themselves to guarantee academic success. Self-motivation is crucial because it drives students to set goals, develop a growth mindset, and persist in the face of challenges. When students are motivated, they are more likely to engage in their learning, take responsibility for their own progress, and seek out resources and opportunities to improve their performance. There was therefore need for a study to be conducted to establish the factors that affect their performance in Nyeri County. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Self Esteem and student academic performance. The study was anchored on The Marsh/Shavelson model selfconcept. The study employed Ex-post facto research design. The study targeted students from public secondary schools in Nyeri County. Krejcie and Morgan (1970) formula was used to calculate the sample size of the students while Purposive sampling was used to select 25 teacher counselors making a total of 409 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires, interview schedules and document analysis. The quantitative data from the questionnaire was first be subjected to preliminary processing through validation, coding and tabulation in readiness for analysis with the help of the statistical package for social science (SPSS) to analyze data. Descriptive statistics was presented using frequencies and percentages. Pearson Correlation Coefficient was employed to determine relationship that exists between the independent (Self-motivation) variables and dependent variable (student academic performance). In addition, regression analysis was employed to test the relationships in the study. Qualitative data was transcribed, thematically classified and arranged before they are reported in narrations and quotations according to research objectives. Major findings from the study indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between Self-esteem and student academic performance (r = .800; p = .000) showing a strong correlation between Self-esteem and student academic performance. This study therefore, recommended that there is need for the teachers and education stakeholders in the ministry of education and beyond should give great attention to student self-concept as it affects student academic performance in schools and that schools should promote self-advocacy skills. Strong advocacy skills lead to greater self-confidence. It is also important to for the teachers to understand student background. Schools should design effective feedback mechanism to encourage students to compare present performance against a goal and also against previous performance.
- Journal Articles [20]
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- Lucy Wanjira.pdf
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