Quality Status of Wild Simsim (Sesamum Calycinum) Seeds Harvested from Croplands in Khwisero, Kakamega County

Bunde, M. A. ; et. al... (2024-01)

Wild simsim is among the indigenous vegetables still gathered during scarcity by some communities in Kakamega County. Domestication of such vegetables is important as they are adaptable to adverse climatic conditions and high in nutritional value. Seed quality is paramount in crop establishment, growth and yield. Being wild, the seeds have not undergone any certification process to come up with the required standard specifications. The objective of the study was to assess the quality of wild simsim seeds by evaluating the influence of the harvesting stage on germination and vigor. The seeds were harvested at yellow and brown capsule stages from croplands in Khwisero. Seed germination and vigor tests were conducted in the seed laboratory at the University of Eldoret. The data was subjected to ANOVA using a Genstat statistical package and means separated by LSD at a 5% significance level. Results indicated that the seeds were of low quality having a germination percentage of 68.50 and 49.75 for seeds harvested at yellow and brown capsule stages respectively. Consequently, Seed vigor was also low recording 8% and 6.25 % at yellow and brown capsule stages respectively. Wild simsim Seeds are of low quality below the 70% recommendation by KEPHIS for indigenous vegetables although those harvested at yellow capsule stage are of a better quality in terms of germination. Wild simsim seeds should be harvested at the yellow capsule stage for a higher germination percentage

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)


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