ExaminingLand Use ChangesAround Marura Wetlands of Uasin Gishu County from 1985to 2015

Chepchumba, Naomy Aaron ; Fatuma, Daudi ; Raburu, Philip (2024-10)

Wetlands are invaluablenatural resources that provide essential benefits like water filtration, flood controland habitats for biodiversityhowever,they are increasingly threatened by human activities.The Marura Wetlands in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya, are no exception, having experienced significant land use changes. These changes are largely driven by population growth and economic activities in the surrounding areas, placing immense pressure on the wetland ecosystem. The Marura Wetlands are now at risk of depletion due to these ongoing pressures. This study seeks to examine the spatial land use changes around the Marura Wetlands over the 30-year period(1985-2015), with the objective of identifying the most rapid changes and determining whether the size of the wetland has increased or decreased during this time.Secondary sources of datawere used in mapping the effects of anthropogenic activities through GIS and remotesensing techniques. The results indicate a significantrise in settlement areas in the Marura Wetlands, increasing from 4% in 1995 to 86% in 2015, alongside a 24% expansion in wetland areas. Meanwhile, agricultural land and grasslands declined, particularly from 2006 to 2015. Wetland growth is likely due to nutrient discharge from nearby farms, which promoted the growth of papyrus and other vegetation. The studyrecommends participatory management plan be developed and implemented to curbexploitation of the wetlands resources and coming up with environmentally friendlyland use practices which will sustain the Marura wetlands for posterity

Journal of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems


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