Journals articles
Wasilisha karibuni
ANFIS-Controlled Boost and Bidirectional Buck-Boost DC-DC Converters for Solar PV, Fuel Cell, and BESS-Based Microgrid Application
(International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2024-07)DC-DC converters are essential for integrating distributed energy resources into microgrid (MG) systems. Tese converters are designed to incorporate intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar photovoltaic (PV) ... -
Coherent High-Speed Signal Transmission in Passive Optical Networks
(Journal of Research in Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2023-11)A comparative study of digital M-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (16-QAM) and QPSK modulationformats for high-speed transmission is presented. Based on VPI optical simulation software. This paper builds ... -
Mechanical and Elastic Properties of Selected 211 MAX Phases: A Density Functional Theory Study
(Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovatio, 2023-10)MAX Phases are a class of ternary materials that have continued to play a greater role in the field of materials science due to their unique properties that bridge the gap between metals and ceramics which have uses in ... -
Ab initio insights into Graphene-Zirconium disulfide/diselenide heterostructure as electrode material for alkali-ion batteries
(Surfaces and interfaces, 2021)In the search for an energy storage medium with higher electronic conductivity, rate performance and moderate volume expansion, van der Waals heterostructures are a promising alternative. Herein, the potential of graphene ... -
Landau Criteria of Superfluidity of Two Component Mixture of Bosons
(International Journal of Recent Research Aspects, 2020)Using the quasi-particle energy of a mixture of two-component gas of bosons which is assumed to be in a superfluid state, the Landau criterion for superfluidity has been applied to obtain the magnitude of the Landau’s ... -
Assessing the Potential of Using Satellite Data on Radiation in the Analysis of Earth’s Climate System to Complement the Scarce Radiation Data Measured from the Ground Stations
(Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2018)High quality solar radiation data is required for the appropriate monitoring and analysis of the Earth’s climate system as well as efficient planning and operation of solar energy systems. However, well maintained ... -
Design of simultaneous multicolor coherent light generation in a single MgO:PPLN bulk crystal
(Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2020-11)We report on simultaneous sum-frequency mixing and doubling of C-band and 980 nm laser sources using a single segmented periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) crystal in a single-pass configuration. Our theoretical analysis ... -
Computation of the Expectation Value of the Electron – Phonon and Coulomb Interaction Hamiltonian using Second Quantization and Many Body Techniques
(International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 2020-12)The problem of the strong electron coupling in the theory of superconductivity has been discussed in many studies on the basis of electron and phonon spectral functions. For the rationale of investigating the effect of ... -
Frequency stability characterization: DFB laser and Raman pump performance on a distributed clock signal over 24.69 km fiber
(Journal of the Optical Society of America, 2020-07)Distribution of timing and frequency signals in a fast-changing world requires unprecedented levels of stability for characterization.Transfer of frequency references over long distance without introducing any additional ... -
Improving Students’ Application of Moment of Force Concepts in Physics through Experimental Approach, a case of Secondary Schools in Marakwet West Sub-County, Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
(African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2021)An investigation was carried out to ascertain the effectiveness of experimental approach on students’ application of moment of force concepts in Physics in secondary schools in Marakwet West Sub-county, Elgeyo Marakwet ... -
Analysis of CSRZ and CSNRZ Coding for DQPSK and OQPSK Transmitter Configurations for Optical Microwave Generation Signals Based on Stimulated Brillouin Scattering
(World Scientific News, 2020)The use of Carrier Suppressed Non-Return to Zero (CSNRZ) and Carrier Suppressed Return to Zero (CSRZ) modulation formats in Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) channels at 1 Gb/s and 10 Gb/s is investigated. ... -
(EAST EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 2020)The composition of the neutron stars from its surface region, outer-core, inner-core, and to its center is still being investigated. One can only surmise on the properties of neutron stars from the spectroscopic data ... -
Modulated Raman pump for integrated VCSEL-based reach enhancement and clock tone dissemination in optical communication
(Elsevier, 2019)The fast growth of data traffic in access networks calls for high speed and low-cost optical links. To extend reach for users in metro areas requires optical amplification of the signal carrying data. In this paper ... -
Integrated extended reach VCSEL interconnect with 8.5 Gbps data modulated forward Raman pump signals
(JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 2019)We experimentally present thefirst reported integrated cross-modulatedforward Raman pump, with low-cost, power-efficient VCSELs. A single-mode VCSEL is directly modulated with 8.5 Gbps data and transmitted over a 50.7 ... -
Quasi-Particle Energy of a Mixture of Two-Component Gas of Bosons
(World Scientific News, 2020)The properties of two component interacting gas of bosons are studied by assuming two slightly different types of interactions between the atoms of the two gases. The system is described by two operators a and b, that ... -
(International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019)The trend of process scaling for CMOS technology has made subthreshold leakage reduction a growing concern for submicron circuit designers. Power consumption has become a principle design consideration as device ... -
Impact of Temperature and Relative Humidity on PMD in Directly Buried Optical Fiber Cables in Semi-Arid and Tropical Highlands in Kenya
(Hindawi International Journal of Optics, 2019)The telecommunication industry has implemented fibre deployment guidelines that reliably safeguard cable health during installation in the field. While installed fibre cables remain buried in the field, temperature and ... -
Correlation between Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction, Pairing Energy Gap and Phase Shift for Identical Nucleons in Nuclear Systems
(Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 2019)Assuming some known nucleon-nucleon interactions, and using the relations between phase shift δ and nucleon-nucleon interaction potential()Vr; the relation between nucleon-nucleon interaction and scattering length ... -
Hardness characterization parameters of Niobium Carbide and Niobium Nitride: A first principles study
(Elsevier, 2019)Niobium carbides and nitrides have been proposed as potential candidates for hardness and related applications, however, comprehensive studies are still needed for better understanding that may pave way for their ... -
Correlation between Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction, Pairing Energy Gap and Phase Shift for Identical Nucleons in Nuclear Systems
(Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 2019)Assuming some known nucleon-nucleon interactions, and using the relations between phase shift δ and nucleon-nucleon interaction potential()Vr; the relation between nucleon-nucleon interaction and scattering length ...