Rainfall Variability Coping Strategies for Improved Food Security: A Case Study of Baringo South, Baringo County, Kenya
ArticleClimate variability impacts food production and hence food security. The Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) experience water stress and drought events arising from climate variability. The focus of this study was to find out strategies used by small-scale farmers to cope with rainfall variability for improved food security in Baringo South Sub-County, Kenya. Baringo South is within ASAL region hence a suitable site for the study. A case study research design was adopted for the study, where 136 questionnaires were administered to household heads, to establish farmers’ coping strategies corresponding to rainfall variability regimes. Descriptive statistics were used in the analysis of data and the results presented in the form of pie charts and tables. The study found out that; both seasonal rainfall and maize yield indicated a fluctuating pattern. It was also concluded that there was a strong positive relationship between seasonal rainfall amount and maize yield that was significant at 5% levels of significance. The study found that 90.5% of the small scale farmers in Baringo South sub-County coped with rainfall variability. The Findings of the study are significant to the County government of Baringo and Kenyan Governments in coming up with appropriate interventions for coping with rainfall variability for improved maize production and policy development, to cushion the local communities against the effects of climate change.
- Journal Articles [35]
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- Rainfall Variability Coping ...
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