Cultural Factors Affecting Customers Buying Behaviour of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods in Supermarkets in Eldoret Town, Kenya
ArticleFast moving consumer goods make a customer to visit their preferred supermarket on a routine basis. Supermarket needs to be particularly vigilant and maintain high standards consistent with consumers' buying behaviour so as to continue providing an offer that will satisfy the consumer, gain their loyalty and ultimate patronage. The study sought to identify cultural factors effect on customers purchasing behaviour in supermarkets in Eldoret town. The study adopted Theory of Reasoned Action. The study adopted explanatory research design, since this study that focus on determinants of customers buying behaviour on fast moving consumer goods. The target population of this study will be 1000 respondents comprising of 900 customers and 100 managers of selected supermarket. Stratified and simple random sampling procedures used in selecting the respondents. A sample size of 257 customers and 29 managers was selected. The questionnaire was used to collect data. A pilot study was conducted in the Nakuru Town. Cronbach alpha coefficient used to establish reliability and expert judgment on validity. Pearson product correlation used to analyze the data. The cultural factors influence the consumer buying behaviour (r=0.565, p-value=0.00). The cultural factors influence consumer buying behaviour of fast-moving consumer goods significantly. The supermarket management need to evaluate consumer their needs, values and expectations, when they are designing FMCGs for the Kenyan market.
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- Kangogo, Mathew.pdf
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