Correlation between Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction, Pairing Energy Gap and Phase Shift for Identical Nucleons in Nuclear Systems

Koech, Willy ; Muguro, Ken. M. ; Khanna, Kapil. M. (2019)

Assuming some known nucleon-nucleon interactions, and using the relations between phase shift δ and nucleon-nucleon interaction potential()Vr; the relation between nucleon-nucleon interaction and scattering length a; the relation between energy gap∆, and scattering length a; an equation is ob-tained between energy gap ∆ and Fermi momentum Fkvia the phase shift ( )Fkδ. Assuming 1s0 (singlet) pairing between the nucleons, the energy gap ∆ has been calculated and it is found that 3.0 MeV∆ = at Fermi momen-tum10.8 fm

Mpiga chapa
Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology


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