ThesisMajority of rural area communities worldwide highly depend on natural resources for their livelihood. Despite the enormous benefits of trees on farms, little is known about the social and economic perspectives that influence their preference, utilization and availability. Therefore, this study focused on the factors influencing the availability and utilization of agroforestry trees in Kesses and Kapseret Sub Counties, Uasin Gishu Kenya. The study utilized the survey design and targeted 233,112 residents of the two two sub counties. A sample of 120 farmers were interviewed using a pre-tested questionnaire to generate information on demographic trends, tree cover on farms, capacity of local institutions on utilization of trees and socio-economic perspectives on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Data was analysed descriptive statistics and Pearson Coefficient of Correlation. 71 respondents (62.3%) were female while 43 respondents (37.7%) were male. 10.5% of the respondents had no formal education, while 89.5% had various level of education ranging from adult education to post-secondary education. Only 14.9% had post-secondary education. 27.2% of respondents agreed that the tree cover on farms has been increasing over the years with Eucalyptus grandis being the dominant species at 84.2% present in 96 households, 35.1% agreed that the tree cover had decreased and 37.7% agreed that the tree cover on farms had remained the same. 82.6% of respondents strongly agreed that agroforestry trees generates substitute income for purchased products, 77.5% agreed that agroforestry trees are used for timber and fuel wood while 47.5%, 27.7% and 10% of respondents agreed that agroforestry trees improves soil fertility, increase food security and use agroforestry trees as livestock fodder respectively. Land and tree tenure has a high influence on availability and utilization of agroforestry trees as strongly supported by 100% of respondents followed by farm size at 96.5%, availability of information and training at 80.7%, gender at 79.8%, household security at 74.6%, access to market at 62.3% and lastly level of education and availability of labour supported by 57.9% of respondents. The study also found out that an average land holding in Kesses and Kapseret Sub Counties is 1.5 acres. Availability and utilization showed a positive relationship; (r= .786, n=114, p<0.0001) while availability and socio-economic factors also showed a (r= .877, n=114, p<0.0001). Utilization and socio-economic factors also had a positive relationship (r= .854, n=114, p<0.0001). Put together these results suggests a positive correlation between socio-economic factors influencing agroforestry, availability and utilization of trees on farms. There is a need to promote agroforestry technologies, practices and capacity building in Kesses and Kapseret Sub Counties
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