Influence of Teacher Professional Knowledge and Application on Pupils Academic Performance in Public Primary Schools in Suna East Sub-County Migori County, Kenya

Diang’a, Onyango David ; Yambo, J. M. O ; Getange, Kennedy N. (2020)

Poor academic performance of most public primary schools in Suna East Sub-County is a serious challenge in Migori County. Out of five zones in the sub-county, there was low learning outcome in the assessment score with a mean standard score of 250 out of 500 marks for the last five years. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of teacher professional knowledge and application on academic performance. The study used a survey design and both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis. This study was based on two theories; the goal setting theory by Edward Locke and Expectant theory by Vroom. The study had a population of 65 head teachers, 65 deputy head teachers and 500 assistant teachers in public primary schools in Suna-East Sub-County Migori County. Krejcie and Morgan table was used to obtain a sample size of 56 Head teachers, 56 deputy heads, and 217 assistant teachers. The study also used both questionnaires and interview schedules to collect data. Validity of the research instruments was determined through open discussion with the supervisors of Kisii University. Reliability of the research instruments was established through test re- test method using questionnaires and interview schedules results. The data collected was analyzed using statistical package of social sciences (SPSS) version 21 to generate descriptive statistics in a correct and informative way. This study would be significant in the field of education in enhancing quality education by the educators. The finding revealed that most of the teachers 163(83.9%) indicated that they think that professional knowledge is essential in enhancing teaching outcomes, only 33(16.1%) who did not consent. Professional knowledge is viewed as key in evaluating teachers teaching outcomes. It includes all professional record kept by the teachers to enhance learning and academic outcome. The study recommended maintenance of professional records at all times. It concluded that a teacher should ensure there is effective syllabus coverage by attending all lessons as per the school timetable. The researcher paid keen attention to research ethical issues and got the informed consent of the respondents and guarded against plagiarism and ensured confidentiality

Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology


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