Journal Articles: Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 1-20 de 28
Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Physico-chemical, and Functional Properties of Irish Potato Tubers and flours is Dose and Varietal Dependent
(African Journal of Education Science and Technology (AJEST), 2024-10)Irish potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a globally significant food crop, serving as a staple for many populations and contributing to food security. Gamma irradiation has emerged as a promising postharvest technology to ... -
Dough rheological properties, physical, consumer acceptability and microbial qualities of wheat and wheat-sorghum biscuits fortified with longhorn grasshopper (Ruspolia differens) powder
(Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 2025)Protein deficiency is a nutritional challenge affecting young children in developing countries. Food fortification with edible insects is a potentially sustainable approach to increasing protein quality in young children’s ... -
Peri‑urban agriculture and household food and nutrition security around Eldoret, Kenya
(Springer Nature, 2024-08)Rapid urbanisation in low- and middle-income countries, which has encroached on agricultural lands but has not been con- sistently accompanied by corresponding improvements in water and sanitation services, has raised ... -
Rat bioassay for evaluation of protein nutritional quality of wheat and wheat-sorghum biscuits fortified with longhorn grasshopper (Ruspolia differens) powder
(Food science of animal products, 2024-06)Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is a persistent public health challenge in most developing countries. This study investigated the protein nutritional value of wheat and wheat-sorghum biscuits fortified with longhorn ... -
Prevalence and Determinants of Low Birth Weight Among Infants Born in Kapsabet Referral Hospital, Nandi County, Kenya
(Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2021-10-30)Low Birth Weight (LBW) is defined by the World Health Organization as weight at birth less than 2,500g. LBW continues to be a significant public health problem globally and is associated with a range of both short and ... -
Relationship between dental caries and nutritional status among five-year-old school children in Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya
(Int Public Health J, 2021)Dental caries is a major public health problem affecting 60- 90% children globally and associated with diet and nutrition. Objective: To establish the relationship between dental caries and nutritional status of ... -
Peri‑urban agriculture and household food and nutrition security around Eldoret, Kenya
(Springer, 2024-07)Rapid urbanisation in low- and middle-income countries, which has encroached on agricultural lands but has not been consistently accompanied by corresponding improvements in water and sanitation services, has raised questions ... -
Effect of fortifying sorghum and wheat with Longhorn grasshopper (Ruspolia differens) powder on nutritional composition and consumer acceptability of biscuits
(Food science and Nutrition - Wiley, 2024-01)This study aimed at improving the nutrient composition and protein quality of bis- cuits made from sorghum and wheat through fortification with Longhorn Ruspolia differens powder (RDP) for use as a supplementary food ... -
Physical Activity levels associated with Overweight and Obesity amongst female traders in Municipal Markets in Eldoret, Kenya.
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,, 2022-10)Background: Overweight (BMI 25-29) and obesity (BMI ≥30) is currently a global epidemic. Increase in non- communicable diseases is a major cause of death globally that is linked to nutritional imbalances like overweight ... -
Entrepreneur-led food fortification: A complementary approach for nutritious diets in developing countries
(Elsevier, 2023-03)Small and micro food enterprises are critical implementation partners for fortification strategies that address the widespread micronutrient deficiencies in low-income countries. This paper describes the concept and practice ... -
Substituting Natural Honey for Cane Sugar (Sucrose) Retards Microbial Growth Independent of Water Activity During Storage of Tomato Jam
(European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 2022-11)Today, there are several attempts to make nutritious food products low in glycemic carbohydrates as this can partly help in solving the ever-growing numbers of type 2 diabetes and obesity. We thus made two types of jam, ... -
Nutritional Characteristics of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Composite Flours Obtained by Food Fortification
(European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 2021)High prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition among the vulnerable population, especially children has prompted research on fortification of common staple cereal foods such as rice. However, rice has inferior nutritional ... -
Food Security Status During The Covid-19 Pandemic Among Vulnerable Groups In Keiyo South, Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2021)Health guidelines to manage the COVID-19 pandemic could have led to unintended changes in states and processes that affect food systems, food security, and nutrition. The study conducted in Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya ... -
Nutrient and Anti-Nutrient Composition of Extruded Cereal Flours Fortified with Grain Amaranth, Baobab and Orange-fleshed Sweet Potato Powder
(Journal of Food Research, 2020)A majority of households in Sub-Saharan Africa utilize cereal-based flours in the preparation of most of their staples. However, the micronutrient contents of these cereal-based flours are low with higher levels ... -
Effect of soy fortification on the quality of Mkarango a traditional Kenyan fermented maize meal snack
(Food Science & Nutrition, 2020)This study aimed at improving the quality and nutrient density of a Kenyan fermented maize meal snack (mkarango) through soy fortification to alleviate protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) in children. Nine variations of ... -
Characterization of The Nutritional Properties of Sorghum Composite Flours Using Different Food to Food Fortification Approaches
(EJFOOD, European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 2020-11)Intervention using blended composite flours can reduce malnutrition in sub Saharan Africa. Prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition among the vulnerable children has necessitated research on cost effective food ... -
Effect of availability, access and utilization of agricultural extension technologies on the food security situation of smallholder farmers in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2020-05)Despite the importance of the agriculture sector to the economy, limited access to agricultural extension information has resulted in poor decisions on agricultural production and related activities thus, affecting achievement ... -
Consumers’ acceptability of extruded maize-sorghum composite flours fortified with grain amaranth, baobab and orange fleshed sweet potatoes
(African Journal of Food Science, 2020-10)Porridge is a popular cereal flour-based food product for children in Sub-Saharan Africa. Compositing of cereal flours to improve their nutritional composition is done. However, the enrichment of such flours with naturally ... -
Consumer contextual socialization and decision making on consumption of African leafy vegetables among university youth populations
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2020-06)As the urban population continues to grow globally, there is need for dietary diversification especially in vegetable consumption as people integrate from various contexts. This is an important social- nutrition aspect ... -
Sensory evaluation and consumer acceptability of Snack Value-Added Rice Products in Eldoret Town, Kenya
(IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2020-07)Farmers in developing countries are greatly affected by post-harvest losses due to poor handling techniques, over maturation, poor storage conditions, infestation by pests and fungal infections. This explains the high rates ...